Ignite Your Dreams

Crush Your Goals in 2020 (Start Strong to Finish!)

Now is the time to ignite your life and crush your goals in 2020. It’s better to start planning early rather than wait until the first of January.

This way, you’ll have time to review the goals you set up for 2019 and evaluate how well you did, and if you want to continue them.

Let’s say you wanted to learn Chinese in 2019. You took two classes, and really enjoyed it. What do you want to do in 2020 to continue this goal? What other training do you want? Is there a way you can practice?

And what if you wanted to learn cake decorating and you took one class which was no fun at all. It’s okay to let go of those goals.

In fact, you should embrace the fact that you tried it. You might even say that you crushed that goal. You learned what you didn’t want to do, and that is just as important as learning what you do want to do.

The Power of Goal Setting

When looking at your goals in 2020, you want to get in touch with who you are and what you want to accomplish.

Spend time reflecting on how much you want to achieve the goal. The intrinsic is what will keep you going.

Many people want to become famous or successful but few realize the effort that goes into achieving it.

Everybody wants a gold medal. But very few are willing to train, eat, and live like a world champion.

Setting goals with only future rewards insight will not prepare us mentally or spiritually. To be our best, we must be able to bear all the costs to reach our goals. And that’s why we must be motivated from within.

Imagine your life when all your dreams appear to start coming true.

So let’s start thinking about our goals in 2020.

Long Term Goals

There are a few different types of goals. Some are representations of our dreams. Others are tracking progress towards an achievement. Some are promises we made to ourselves.

There’s even goals we have to improve our potential by expanding our knowledge, sharpening our skills, and enriching our future self.

Your long term goals are the really big ones that your soul is dying to achieve. It could be to set up a business that replaces the income of your day job.

It could be your dream of running a marathon when you’ve never even run half a block. But in your heart, you know you want to try.

A long term goal can’t be achieved on its own. You need a plan and stepping stones.

Short Term Goals

Short term goals are your stepping stones.

Our short term goals have two important benefits. The first is to give us that mental “Whoohoo!” as we achieve it. It helps build momentum towards our long term goal.

Another is that it convinces our protective brain that we can achieve the big, scary goal.

That keeps it quiet and helps you overcome procrastination and self-sabotage.

Goal Crushing Techniques

There are simple ways to make goal achievement easier. (You knew there had to be, right?)

These three things will help you stay on course.

Being S.M.A.R.T About Your Goals

Check out this prior blog post about SMART goals. You want them to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

The more specific, the easier it will be for you to attain the goal. And you’ll know you crushed it because it was measurable. Your brain will help you because it was attainable.

Relevant goals save us from unnecessary distractions. Going back to running a marathon as a goal, it would be more relevant to run a 5k. Then if you enjoy the training and running, you can set the goal of running a marathon, and have stepping stones of daily training and running a 10k.

Timely means having deadlines. A goal without a due date is just a wish.

Keeping Your Life Balanced

Have goals in all areas of your life. As I mentioned earlier, just wanting more money isn’t really specific, and it could negatively impact other areas of your life.

The areas of your life where you could have goals include:

  • Spiritual/Volunteer/Contribute
  • Financial (including starting a business)
  • Mental
  • Family/Friends
  • Personal relationships
  • Self (alone time for recharging)
  • Vocational
  • Avocational (hobbies)
  • Health and Wellness

You can have a big goal in all areas and focus on one small stepping stone at a time in a limited number. Be careful not to get defocused.

Viewing Your Goals from 40,000 Feet

What will your life be like in 10 years if you achieve your dream? You should be as detailed and vivid as possible.

Who will you be?

Where will you live? And what will your home be like?

One of the worst things you can do is want a “better” job or “more money” without thinking how it will affect your life.

What if your job right now could get you to your dream job? Maybe it’s just one coworker who is driving you nuts. That coworker could leave. And do consider meditation and counseling to help you learn how to manage the toxic coworker.

And would more money help if you don’t know what you really want? (If you are always feeling like you’re broke, spend some time learning about money and budgeting, and look into a side business like InnerOrigin)

Once you know exactly where you want to go, it’s easy to put together your map with the smaller goals to reach it.

The Easy Shortcuts to Achieve Your Goals in 2020

These simple habits make crushing your goals easier.

To make sure you know you’ve achieved them, take the time to regularly track your progress, analyze your results, and make adjustments as you go.

I think the biggest key is knowing how to make course corrections. Nothing is a mistake. It’s all a learning experience. And that leads us right into the first shortcut.

A Positive Mindset

The happier you are during the process, the easier time you will have achieving your goals. You will view setbacks as the Universe telling you that you have something else to learn before moving forward.

And you will view mistakes as positive learning experiences.

To stay positive, make sure you celebrate and reward yourself appropriately for each milestone achieved.

This inspires you to progress further.

Seeing Yourself Achieve Them

Visualization is commonly used by successful athletes. They clearly see in their minds every step they’ll take from start to finish. So when they actually do the activity, it feels comfortable and achievable.

This type of meditation also helps train your mind into believing that you will achieve your goal.

My Final Thoughts

It’s essential to believe that you can achieve your goal. So make sure you have smaller goals that build up to your big achievement. That helps you learn to believe in yourself.

And always remember to write your goals as positive statements. You want to be inspired when you read them. Keep them as specific as possible, and make updates as you learn more about yourself and what you really want.

Many goals are ones that may not be what we truly want. So stay in touch your goals throughout 2020 as you learn more about yourself.

And remember to stay focused on one goal at a time. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Achieve that goal and then crush the next one.

And finally, don’t spend so much focus on the goal itself. I’ll end with two excellent quotes.

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome. ~Arthur Ashe

Become a millionaire not for the million dollars, but for what it will make of you to achieve it. ~Jim Rohn

How did you do on your goals this year? What are you most excited about achieving next year?

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