Ignite Your Dreams

Ignite Your Life with Success Rituals

I hope this finds you well! Today we’re going to dive deep into success rituals. These are the little routines that help you truly ignite your inner well being.

A ritual is different from a habit because you’re consciously aware of your thoughts and actions while you’re doing it.

A ritual is also a journey towards mastery. You work at it each day until it becomes a habit. When you chain them together, you have your success journey.

Brushing your teeth is a habit. Meditating is a ritual. Today we will focus on your journey to a better you.

What Are Success Rituals

A success ritual has certain checkpoints that you need to address and possibly overcome to succeed in that area. The first thing is to believe in yourself.

The next step is to look at your inherent talents which you want to master.

Your success rituals will be different from everyone else’s even if you have the same talent. We all come with a mixed bag of strengths and weaknesses.

And I believe we also come down here with a life lesson to learn. That’s why you should never compare yourself to someone else. They’re on a different journey.

So going back to believing in yourself. Spend some time meditating and journaling on when you are at your most creative.

Do ideas flow to you when you’re driving? Showering? Running? Hopefully they don’t show up at 3am.

Next figure out a way to harness this creativity and capture all your ideas. But do not judge any of them. This is an essential step of identifying who you are and what you want to achieve.

As Muhammad Ali once said, “The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.”

It’s time to wake up, be determined, be creative, capture all your ideas, and work hard to achieve them. But since it’s your dream, it won’t feel like hard work at all.

It may get frustrating at times. But that means you’re growing. Never fear failure. Muhammad Ali also said that it didn’t matter how many times you got knocked down. What mattered was the times you got back up.

Core Success Rituals

Believing in yourself, continual learning, and fighting fear are important parts of your success rituals.

We can break them down into more targeted areas to make it easier to set your goals.

Spend some time journaling what you think your current rituals are.

Physical Health

What are you doing to optimize your health?

Do you exercise? If not, start slowly with something like walking. There are pedometer apps for smartphones.

Do you make positive food choices? There are really no good or bad foods. There’s just food that makes us feel better when we do eat it. After all, what’s better? A simple homemade dinner or a frozen one cooked in a microwave?

And are you getting enough rest? We need our downtime to let our bodies heal. And it helps our brains process data.

And don’t forget to make sure you’re drinking enough water.


Are you taking care of your heart? Do you make time to unwind, meditate, and journal? Are you engaging in your hobbies? Do you let yourself feel, or do you hide it?

Our emotions definitely affect our mind. Have you ever made a bad decision when you were feeling upset? I know I have.

And have you ever overspent when you feeling extremely happy? I have as well.

We need to find ways to keep our emotions balanced as best we can. They are very important. For example, we should listen to our gut intuition more often than we do.

We need to have our lives balanced between our rational mind and our caring heart.


Dr. Stephen R. Covey discussed relationships in his classic 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I loved his idea of an emotional bank account with others.

Relationships require you to give as well as take to be positive experiences. Are you the one always giving or always taking? How can you better balance out the relationships?

And should you keep them or have you outgrown them? If the relationship is toxic, don’t worry about hurting their feelings.

A good relationship motivates you to become better. And a good friend loves and accepts you for who you are, not what you can do for them.

Career or Business

We don’t always have to be doing what we love as a career. But it helps if we can love what we’re doing right now. When we appreciate our current circumstances, it allows us to grow into better ones.

If your job is giving you terrible stomach aches, you know it’s time to move on. Make sure you have some savings, and don’t quit too soon, unless it’s a dangerous atmosphere.

Spend some time finding what you do appreciate with your job. And identify what you’d like to do more of, and what you’d like to do less of.

Remember in Rhonda Byrnes’s movie The Secret there was that one gentleman who wanted to be a stand-up comedian, and he was constantly being heckled and harassed by the audience and his coworkers.

When he changed his mindset, the world changed around him.

That’s when you have the power and the clear mind to see what you want, and take advantage of opportunities.


Are you being responsible with your money? Or are you running out of pay before you run out of month. It’s essential to think in terms of abundance and being grateful for all that you have.

And learning to appreciate minimalism can help you have only things that bring you joy around you. Managing money wisely is true freedom.

Wealth is more than just money as well. You do need enough to support yourself and your lifestyle which can include family.

Finances can be one of the biggest source of stress in our lives. Learn to make peace with money. And look into a success ritual of donating to help those less fortunate.


What should you be doing to ignite your soul? For some of us, it’s volunteering in the community.

For others, it’s attending a house of worship. You can also boost your spirituality by getting out into nature and feeling a connection.

Find a regular ritual that will connect your soul to the Universe and you will live a successful and happy life.

The Actual Rituals

Here’s some quick little things you can look into for your personal success rituals.

Morning Success Rituals

  • Smile
  • Get up early
  • Feel gratitude before you get up
  • Visualize a successful day
  • Drink 2 glasses of water
  • Repeat your positive affirmation and/or goals and/or perfect life statement
  • Exercise

Evening Success Rituals

  • Plan tomorrow today
  • Before falling asleep, think of a question you want answered
  • Visualize all the positive things that happened today
  • Identify something you learned today
  • Feel deep gratitude for all that you have
  • Journal all of these things
  • Read a book for an hour
  • Celebrate your day

Crafting Your Personal Success Rituals

Are you ready to try to set up your own personal success rituals?

Remember, don’t be afraid to try it and discover that it doesn’t work for you. But also be aware if you’re feeling resistance to growth.

Look for your own opportunities for success. Read biographies (and autobiographies) of successful people. Surround yourself with positive people.

Empowering Thoughts

This may be the most difficult task at first. But as you practice it, it does become easier.

Always focus on what you do want and never think about what you don’t want.

My Final Thoughts

What you do daily influences every part of your life. If your rituals aren’t helping you, they’re probably hurting you.

True success starts in your mind. Keep them positive and focused. As Oprah Winfrey said, “What we dwell on is who we become.”

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