
Simple Ways to Maintain a Growth Mindset

Last week, we talked about a growth mindset versus a static mindset.

This week we’re going to expand upon the idea of a growth mindset and give you tips and strategies for changing and developing a growth mindset.

Plus, will look at strategies for when you have setbacks.

How to Change Your Mindset

Last week, you’ll remember we discussed how your beliefs are connected to your mindset. And we also discussed how we can outgrow certain behaviors. Your beliefs can be changed when we no longer serve you or are hurting you to achieve your goals.

Mindset occurs very slowly. Even though a fixed mindset is easy to form, is the most difficult to change. It’s like a steak holding a tent in place. Although the steak can be moved, it requires a lot of work to get it out of the ground first.

An example could be your belief that math or history is boring. Therefore you don’t want to do anything related to math or history. But if you could change your mindset, you may find that you actually enjoy math and history as an adult.

Evaluating Fear As Your Motivator

People with fixed mindset are more focused on their fear of looking stupid. We will do everything they can to avoid appearing ignorant and feeling embarrassed.

This could stem from a feeling of rejection or ridicule from childhood experiences that you may not even remember consciously.

As a result of this unknown fear, the fixed mindset avoids trying new things, resists learning, and generally stalls your development. Your brain is trying to protect you even though it is currently preventing you from success.

You never want fear to lead you down a path of regret.

Taking Action for A Growth Mindset

One of the best ways to change your mindset is by taking action. It helps your brain push through this unconscious fear. You proving to yourself and here subconscious that you really are capable of doing this.

This isn’t something that happens overnight. And the actions should be baby steps. This will quietly allow your subconscious to learn what you are capable of doing, and be more supportive.

When you start small, you will finish big.

Remember what happens when you start a new exercise program? If you tried to lift weights for an hour, you won’t go back. But if you start out slowly, and then build up your routine, within a few months will see a tremendous difference in your life.

The same thing is true for meditation. You want to start slowly and then build up a minute or two at a time. Next thing you know you’ll be meditating for half an hour.

It is never pointless to start small. When you consistently hit your small goals successfully, you will form a new mindset.

image of cup of tea and journals

Silence That Negative Voice

We’ve talked about that little voice in your head, and how to silence it through meditation as well as acknowledging, journaling, and releasing.

It’s important to keep up this daily practice when changing your mindset.

That voice is your subconscious trying to protect you.

You can also reprogram your mind through positive affirmations.

The key is to identify and release before your mind can agree with that, or before you stop taking action towards your goals.

Listen to that voice at first and try to understand why it’s popping up. Then see how you can turn around the message into a positive one.

If your voice says not to make a budget because you’ll never be out of debt, reframe it that you’re making a budget to achieve wealth.

Connecting With Your Why

Another important step in changing your mindset is connecting to why you want to change it.

This has to be personal. You can’t change for someone else and expect it to last.

A strong personal “Why” will help keep you motivated when things seem tough.

Book in stacks

Tips for Developing a Growth Mindset

Here are some simple tips that you can use to transition from a static to a growth mindset.

Remember that it’s more important to be consistent manages to be perfect. Nothing is going to change overnight. And if you can turn it into a game, may have some fun along the way.

Continually Learn and Grow

People who have a growth mindset focus on learning and growing rather than seeking approval from others.

You never need to feel compelled to justify everything you’re doing.

Trying new things will help you come up with better ideas in the future. You will also find that your brain is more creative.

And as you select, spend some time refining your priorities and values. Once you realize that a setback is only temporary hurdle, it’s important to look beyond it to what’s next.

Each subsequent failure will also help you reshape your values. At some point you will realize that what you valued years ago is not necessarily what you value today.

Commit to Achieving the Mindset Every Day

While developing your growth mindset, it’s important to recognize and accept the consistent baby steps will get you there faster.

Many people only look at what they haven’t yet accomplished, and focus on how much further they have to go to achieve their goal. This limiting mindset will sabotage their efforts.

Decide that you are fully committed to achieving your goal regardless of any setbacks, and that you will take simple small steps every single day.

Build Up Your Self-Esteem

Having a healthy self-esteem will bolster your resilience and your belief in your ability.

A strong self-esteem and a strong growth mindset go hand-in-hand. Together they will ignite your growth mindset.

Reading book while glow is coming out

Expand Your Perspective

Your foundational beliefs are the glow inside of you. Your perspective is the lens.

When you want to change your mindset, you need to change the lens. Set aside some time to reflect on how your perspective is defining your experiences.

If you believe that people are always trying to take advantage of you, then you will continually find yourself in those kinds of situations. But if you believe that people are genuinely good and helpful, you will suddenly be surrounded by people who are genuinely kind, caring, and helpful.

Set SMART Goals

When your goals are clear, you and your brain will have an easier time achieving it. You will know exactly what success looks like.

It’s also easier for you to identify the next steps. And you have more motivation.

It’s kind of like a dream versus a goal. You may wish you have $50,000, but your goal could be that you have money to purchase a new to you car before the end of the year.

That’s when the magic happens.

Strategies for Setbacks

As with everything in life, there will always be moments where we are not at our best.

Forgive yourself. The only way you can truly achieve growth is by making mistakes. The sooner you recognize you’re going back to old habits, the sooner you can get back on track.

There will never be a situation where everything is perfect.

A growth mindset sees failures as stepping stones from which you can learn important life lessons. The great thing about failure is you get experience and knowledge.

Experience helps you change your frame of reference. It’s also important to reflect on the real nature of things, and that goes back to updating your perspective about situations.

Setbacks also help build your resilience.

Do you remember the first time your heart got broken? It hurts so much of the time. But it taught you an important lesson. You will get hurt, but life will go on. And you will learn to love again.

Resilience leads to a growth mindset because you know that no matter what comes up, you will survive, and you will get better.

Tree beside lake with it's reflection

Mixing Up Your Strategy

The other great thing about multiple experiences is that you have a larger range of tools to choose from in any given situation.

When one solution doesn’t work, try another.

And when you really get stuck, look for others who have gone through similar problems and overcame the challenges. There are a lot of good books out there that will suggest potential paths for you to try.

My Final Thoughts

Face your challenges head on. You can’t avoid problems in life. People with a growth mindset excel at facing obstacles sooner.

The good news is that the sooner you face a challenge, the easier it is to overcome.

Don’t let any of your failures define who you are. Remember, you have toenails, but you are not a toenail.

You make mistakes and that’s a part of having a successful and happy life.

Finally, be open to feedback. Having a growth mindset means you welcome feedback as it is another opportunity to learn. Feedback also provides a chance to improve your performance. And finally it helps you determine which areas you need to improve and identify where you doing well.

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